Time blocking — what is it?

Rupert Gough
5 min readDec 30, 2022

Time blocking is a time management technique in which you schedule specific blocks of time for specific tasks. Rather than trying to juggle multiple tasks at once or constantly switching between tasks, time blocking allows you to focus on one task at a time and minimize distractions. This can help you increase productivity, reduce stress, and achieve your goals more efficiently.

5 steps to follow when using time blocking

Here are a few steps to follow when using time blocking:

Identify your goals

Before you can start time blocking, you need to identify your goals. What do you want to achieve in the short-term and long-term? This will help you prioritize your tasks and allocate your time accordingly.

Create a schedule

Next, create a schedule for your week or month. This should include blocks of time for work, leisure, and self-care. Be sure to leave some flexibility in your schedule for unexpected tasks or emergencies.

Block out specific tasks

Once you have a rough schedule in place, start blocking out specific tasks. For example, you might block out two hours in the morning for answering emails, one hour in the afternoon for a team meeting, and two hours in the evening for working on a project.

Set boundaries

Time blocking requires discipline and focus. It’s important to set boundaries and stick to your schedule as closely as possible. This means turning off distractions like email notifications or social media and focusing on the task at hand.

Review and adjust

As you start using time blocking, pay attention to how it’s working for you. Are you able to complete your tasks within the allotted time blocks? Are there certain tasks that are taking longer than you anticipated? If you need to make adjustments, don’t be afraid to do so.

An example of time blocking

Here is an example of time blocking:

8:00am — 9:00am: Exercise
9:00am — 12:00pm: Work on project A
12:00pm — 1:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm — 3:00pm: Work on project B
3:00pm — 4:00pm: Respond to emails

8:00am — 10:00am: Work on project C
10:00am — 11:00am: Team meeting
11:00am — 12:00pm: Work on project D
12:00pm — 1:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm — 4:00pm: Work on project E

8:00am — 10:00am: Work on project F
10:00am — 11:00am: Attend webinar
11:00am — 12:00pm: Work on project G
12:00pm — 1:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm — 4:00pm: Work on project H

The pros and cons of time-blocking

Pro: Increased productivity

By focusing on one task at a time, you can minimize distractions and get more done in less time.

Pro: Better time management

Time blocking helps you plan your day and allocate your time effectively, so you can achieve your goals more efficiently.

Pro: Reduced stress

By breaking down tasks into manageable blocks of time and scheduling breaks, you can reduce stress and prevent burnout.

Pro: Greater focus

Time blocking allows you to focus on one task at a time, which can improve the quality of your work.

Con: Limited flexibility

Time blocking requires discipline and the ability to stick to a schedule. This can be challenging if you have a lot of unexpected tasks or emergencies.

Con: Inflexibility

Time blocking can be inflexible if you have to make last-minute changes to your schedule.

Con: May not work for everyone

Time blocking may not be suitable for everyone, depending on their personal style and needs. Some people may find it too rigid, while others may thrive in a more structured environment.

What famous celebrities use time blocking?

Many famous celebrities and successful people use time blocking or other time management techniques to increase productivity and achieve their goals. Here are a few examples:

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah is known for her busy schedule and has credited time blocking as one of the keys to her success. She schedules specific blocks of time for different tasks, such as exercise, work, and self-care.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, is known for his intense work schedule and has credited time blocking as one of the reasons for his success. He reportedly schedules specific blocks of time for different tasks and tries to minimize distractions.

Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss, author and entrepreneur, is a vocal proponent of time blocking and has written extensively about the technique in his books. He recommends using time blocking to prioritize tasks and increase productivity.

Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt, author and productivity expert, is a fan of time blocking and recommends using it to create a sense of control over your schedule and reduce stress.

Are there alternative techniques to time blocking?

Yes, there are several alternatives to time blocking that you can use to manage your time and increase productivity. Here are a few examples:

Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique is a time management technique in which you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. This cycle is repeated several times, with a longer break after every four cycles. The idea is to work in short, focused bursts and take regular breaks to rest and recharge. Read more on the Pomodoro technique here.

Eisenhower matrix

The Eisenhower matrix is a time management technique that helps you prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Tasks are divided into four quadrants: important and urgent, important but not urgent, not important but urgent, and not important and not urgent. This helps you focus on the most important tasks first and delegate or eliminate less important tasks. Read more on the Eisenhower Matrix here.


Kanban is a time management technique that originated in Japan and is based on the concept of “just in time” production. It involves creating a visual representation of your tasks and moving them through different stages of completion. This helps you focus on one task at a time and track your progress.

GTD (Getting Things Done)

GTD is a time management technique developed by David Allen that involves organizing and prioritizing tasks and projects. It involves creating lists of tasks and breaking them down into actionable steps. This helps you stay organized and focused on the most important tasks.

Is walling the same as time blocking?

Yes, walling and time blocking are essentially the same thing. Both refer to the practice of setting aside dedicated blocks of time for focused work and minimizing distractions during those periods. The goal of both techniques is to increase productivity and focus by allowing you to fully engage in your work without interruptions.

Some people may use the term “walling” to refer specifically to the practice of turning off all distractions, while others may use the term “time blocking” to refer to the practice of scheduling specific blocks of time for specific tasks. Ultimately, the terms are often used interchangeably.

Summary of time blocking

Time blocking is a powerful tool for anyone looking to increase productivity and achieve their goals more efficiently. By breaking down your tasks into specific blocks of time and focusing on one task at a time, you can minimize distractions and get more done in less time. With practice and discipline, you can make time blocking a habit that helps you reach your full potential.

Originally published at https://hyperproductive.me on December 30, 2022.



Rupert Gough

Blogger for HyperProductive.Me. Increasing efficiency and productivity in your business and life.